Psychological Fundamentals of the Armed Struggle

Extras din „Fundamente psihologice ale luptei armate”Editia a II-a revăzută si adaugită, Gabriel Dulea, Editura Universităţii Naţionale de Apărarare, Bucureşti, 2007

Circumscribed with the scientific concerns of the writer and military publicist Colonel (ret) Professor G. Dulea, the second edition, reviewed and supplemented, of the book Psychological Fundamentals of the Armed Struggle represents, undoubtedly, his maturity work.

At the beginning of his book, the author approaches the ensemble theoretical problems of psychic human; he is climbing traditional psychology and proposes to the readers a new, modern, dynamic vision on this one, more exactly – a cybernetic model, intended to offer new instruments for the deciphering and the comprehension of the so complex mechanisms of human psychic. His new theory on the psychic energy report/ratio/balance, underlining the energy resources whose human organism lays out, appears, it also, very consistent.

Subtle observer of the contemporary military phenomenon, the author makes us to pay attention, further, with the importance of the psychological weapon which tends to become, during a hypothetical war, the fourth kind of weapon – thing more and more seizing. Analyzing the military psychic universe, the writer leads us step by step, almost didactically, towards the most important aspects of the psychology of the armed struggle, to see: the moral one – psychic dimension in the battle; the psychology of the decision in the armed struggle; psychological determinations of the order; stress on the battle field; psychic trauma in the context of fight etc.

From simple towards the complex, Mr. Gabriel Dulea justifies his speech sincerely: „Why, psychological fundamentals of the armed struggle?” All the desire to precisely break a border, artificial otherwise, between theory and practice! In its whole, the work wants to suggest towards which psychic phenomena and processes (psycho-social) one must direct the attention under the new conditions, current and so particular of the military environment, in order to ensure the efficiency of the morals-psychological instruction for the battle the level of each organizational structure of any modern Armed Forces.

Extras din „Fundamente psihologice ale luptei armate”Editia a II-a revăzută si adaugită, Gabriel Dulea, Editura Universităţii Naţionale de Apărarare, Bucureşti, 2007

Acest articol a fost publicat în Fundamente psihologice ale luptei armate. Salvează legătura permanentă.

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